Yes, all of the shitty paintings are mine.
So You Want to Know More...
My name is Sean. I'm a freelance television producer, writer, and owner of the world's most beautiful Sheltie/Shih-Tzu hybrid dog. I'm sure no one cares about television - least of all myself, and I make it for a living. You also probably haven't met my dog, although certainly some of you have. I'm guessing you're here because you want to know more about the person who wrote the pieces on this site. The creator, editor, and digital-print-media-tycoon who owns "TrashSkunk.com". Well, that's me.
The goal of this site is to publish my articles, fiction pieces, and thoughts in a place that isn't abusing my relationship with Facebook acquaintances or local newspaper editors. I have the urge to write, the need to put down thoughts and express myself, and I intend for this to be a legitimate outlet that is wholly disconnected from my personal and professional life.
Television is a fine business, but it is less suited to self-expression than even collecting garbage. I have seen garbage men singing before. I have never heard spontaneous and joyful song from the lips of anyone filming a television show. It is a thankless and debasing task, suited only to masochists who can't find respectable careers for themselves elsewhere.
More about me: I live in Los Angeles. I'm a Libra. My favorite food is tacos. I think gin is a liquor for people who hate to drink but love to be hungover. It's unfit for consumption by even the lowliest rail-riding drifter. If you drink gin, please navigate your mouse to the top of your browser and close this site - we will never find common ground in this world or the next.
I'm not sure what else you could possibly want to know, except why this site is called "Trash Skunk". I would certainly be curious myself. The answer is simple: it's an affectionate nickname for my dog, who looks like a trash skunk, if such a creature if it were to exist. And I love my dog very much. I can think of no higher honor for a website than to name it after him.
If you want a more in depth explanation of who I am and why I'm writing here, visit my introductory article "What Is This Site, and Why Is It Here".
I hope you enjoy what you read here. If you do, feel free to drop me a note. And if you don't like reading, check out my companion podcast "The Skunk", available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Anchor, and right here on TraskSkunk.com.